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  • Writer's pictureIvan Å koprdić

Strong Future International

Updated: Jul 3, 2018

First of all, Welcome to my website. My name is Ivan Škoprdić, I have not been in this job/business for a long time. I spend a lot of time in front of the computer and so I came up with the idea to try this. My goal is to start my own business, and don't need to have a boss over my head ! I hope you want this too. Of course, if you do not have a job this is a great opportunity for you. And if you sacrifice yourself enough, you could possibly earn here much more, then in some companies. All that you need are basic computer skills, and your

good will ...

Most of people choose to build their own team. The so-called Network Marketing, which is also the most popular in SFI business. I must note you that this the business that will take time for it, you will have to invest your effort, time, commitment every day to learn new things, keep tracking your sponsor, people who've been in this business for a long time, and in a few months you can expect a salary. In this mode of earning, earnings are gradually more stable and higher, that means, the bigger your team gets, the bigger are the earnings. In order to progress it is necessary to introduce people to your business and be active. Bringing new members into this, you become a sponsor and your duty is to help them, so they can create their own teams, and become sponsors. Of course, this company deals with online Purchases and sales. Do not expect a profit immediately, because to open a company you have to invest, capital, labor and effort, and only later you can expect salary from it.

It is noteworthy that the SFI company has no hidden cost, registration is free and does not obligate you a monthly fee. At any time you can cancel the operation if you do not like. And if your profile after a period of inactivity will be automatically removed


The first and primary goal is to achieve Executive Affiliate status - gather 1500 Versa points After registration, when you log into your SFI account, first important thing that you need to do, within the first 24 hours is to set up your profile with the right informations and upload your photo. It is very important to give your real informations, because of the later payment, and creation your paycard, which will the SFI company send to your home address, when you first earn $ 20 .If you collect 500 SFI points within the first 24 hours SFI will reward you with an additional 200 points. A member who registers himself in the middle of the month or at the end, he can transfer his Versa points into the next month. If you have not collected a certain number of points you will need to buy / sell something to accomplish your goal. If you are good at marketing and bargaining then you will not need to do that ... I really think it's a funny stake when comparing it to a particular stake that people are throw at betting, gambling, alcohol and cigarettes ... If you invest your money here - you will WIN! Your goal is of course to collect as many serious associates as possible to follow you. So, when someone buys or sell something you get your commission from every member you bring in. Top sellings things are packages of TC credits. How time is passing by and your team is growing, your SFI titles are growing too. You can earn as much as you could earn monthly in a certain companies. And later, even more than that, but it all depends on what your involvement will it be ...

* You need the patience people but it's all worth it *

About SFI companie

SFI (Strong Future International) President and CEO, and founder of SFI, is Gery Carson. Marketing Group

was launched in 1998. Starting with just one product,sold only in the United States, SFI has now grown to

more than 10,000 products and services (and growing daily) sold in more than 190 countries around the world.



YOURE GOALS, also there are also people

who are above me, we go together to

secure retirement


One note: It is important that your email is gmail.

Befor that, whatch how to do it:

You can contact me at: email:


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